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        來源:中國日報 2023-09-01 16:46
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        A Zeekr 001 vehicle on display at a car store in Shanghai. [Photo/CHINA DAILY]


        China is expected to consolidate its position as the world's largest vehicle exporter this year as more carmakers in the country rev up efforts to explore overseas markets.


        Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, estimates that China's vehicle exports may reach 5 million units this year, up from 3.11 million in 2022.


        China already replaced Japan as the No 1 vehicle exporter in the first half, shipping 2.34 million vehicles overseas, up around 77 percent year-on-year, said the General Administration of Customs.


        Japan exported 2.02 million units during the same period, up 17 percent year-on-year, said the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.


        Automakers in China started to go global decades ago, and the first-mover advantage in the new energy vehicle industry provides them with new opportunities, especially in Europe and Southeast Asia.


        The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said NEV exports totaled 636,000 units from January to July, up 150 percent year-on-year.


        Its growth rate was almost three times the figure of gasoline-powered vehicles shipped from China during the same period.


        In late August, Zeekr, an NEV arm of Geely, saw its first model on the way to Europe. The carmaker said deliveries of the Zeekr 001 in Europe will begin in the fourth quarter.

        8月下旬,吉利旗下新能源汽車子公司Zeekr的首款車型即將登陸歐洲。吉利表示,Zeekr 001 將于第四季度開始在歐洲交付客戶。

        Its first brick-and-mortar stores on the continent where modern vehicles were invented will be located in Sweden and the Netherlands, said Zeekr.

        Zeekr 表示,該公司在現(xiàn)代汽車發(fā)明地歐洲大陸的第一家實體店將設在瑞典和荷蘭。

        Its vehicles will be available in more European markets including Denmark, Germany, France and Norway in 2024.

        Zeekr汽車將于 2024 年開始在丹麥、德國、法國和挪威等更多歐洲市場上市。

        SAIC, China's largest vehicle maker by sales, sold 115,000 MG-branded vehicles in Europe in the first half, of which over 50 percent were NEVs, said Yu De, managing director of the carmaker's international business department.


        SAIC has been China's top exporter, with 483,000 units shipped overseas from January to June. It expects its total exports this year to reach 1.23 million units, of which MG-branded NEVs will likely exceed 200,000 units.


        Tesla, whose Shanghai plant serves as a major export hub globally, shipped more than 180,000 vehicles out of China in the first half, up over 87 percent year-on-year, with the list of destinations growing to include countries such as Thailand and South Korea.

        特斯拉上海工廠是其全球主要的出口中心。上半年,特斯拉從中國出口了超過 18 萬輛汽車,同比增長超過 87%,而且出口目的地名單不斷增加,包括泰國和韓國等國。

        Great Wall Motor, China's largest SUV maker, entered Indonesia, the largest market in Southeast Asia, in late August.


        The automaker said it now has a presence in every major market in ASEAN countries except East Timor, offering electric vehicles, hybrids and plug-in hybrids, since it started its foray into the region in 2021.

        長城汽車表示,自 2021 年開始進入東盟以來,該公司目前已在除東帝汶以外的東盟國家所有主要市場開展業(yè)務,提供電動汽車、混合動力汽車和插電式混合動力汽車。

        GWM said its overseas sales reached 27,007 units in July, representing a year-on-year growth of 83.6 percent.


        July marked the fifth consecutive month the company's overseas sales exceeded 20,000 units. Its overseas sales from January to July totaled 150,937 units, up 94.7 percent year-on-year.

        7月份,該公司海外銷量連續(xù)第五個月突破2萬輛。 1-7月海外銷量150,937輛,同比增長94.7%。

        Hozon, a Chinese startup that owns the Neta brand, is eyeing Indonesia as well, saying it would like to introduce smart electric vehicles into the market with a population of over 200 million people.

        擁有 哪吒(Neta )品牌的中國汽車初創(chuàng)公司合眾新能源也將目光投向了印度尼西亞,表示希望將智能電動汽車引入擁有超過 2 億人口的印尼市場。

        It partnered with PT Handal Indonesia Motor in late July. The two will start to assemble complete cars starting from the second quarter of 2024.

        7 月下旬,合眾新能源與印尼PT Handal Indonesia Motor 建立了合作伙伴關系。兩家公司將從2024年第二季度開始組裝整車。

        "We believe that Indonesia has great potential," said Wang Chengjie, vice-president of Neta Overseas. " (They will) accept electric cars ... because they are proven to be effective and environmentally friendly."

        “我們相信印尼市場有巨大的潛力,” 哪吒汽車海外事業(yè)部副總裁王成杰說。 “(他們將)接受電動汽車......因為電動汽車已被證明有效且環(huán)保。”

        Hozon started to explore overseas markets in 2022. Now its models are available in a number of countries and regions, mainly Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Thailand.


        Statistics show that Neta was the best-selling EV brand in Thailand in June, seizing a 28.9 percent share of the market.


        More brands are to follow. Wang Xiaofei, chairman of Deepal, an NEV brand of State-owned Changan, said going global is one of the major strategies of the brand's development.


        "Our models for overseas markets are under development," said Wang at the Chengdu Motors Show in late August. "The first model for Southeast Asia will be launched later this year, and the one for Europe will follow in 2024."

        “我們針對海外市場的車型正在開發(fā)中,”王孝飛在八月下旬的成都車展上表示。 “首款面向東南亞的車型將于今年晚些時候推出,面向歐洲的車型將于 2024 年推出。”

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